5.c# 内存池
6.C++ 实现高性能内存池
5.c# 内存池
6.C++ 实现高性能内存池
typedef basic_string string;如果我们的内存池兼容std::allocator,那么我们就可以使用我们自己的内存池来替换默认的std::allocator分配器,如:
typedef basic_string mystring;更多Linux内核视频教程资料文档私信【内核大礼包】自行获取。
data_element_ 记录以及分配出去的内存片free_element_ 记录未被分配出去的内存片MemoryPool实现代码代码中使用了std::mutex等C++11才支持的特性,所以需要编译器最低支持C++11:。
#ifndef PPX_BASE_MEMORY_POOL_H_#define PPX_BASE_MEMORY_POOL_H_#include#include#include
namespace ppx { namespace base { template
ZeroOnDeallocate = true> class MemoryPool { public: /* Member types */typedef
T value_type; typedef T* pointer; typedef T& reference;
typedefconst T* const_pointer; typedefconst T& const_reference;
typedefsize_t size_type; typedefptrdiff_t difference_type; typedef
std::false_type propagate_on_container_copy_assignment; typedefstd::true_type propagate_on_container_move_assignment;
typedefstd::true_type propagate_on_container_swap; template structrebind {
typedef MemoryPool other; }; /* Member functions */ MemoryPool()
noexcept; MemoryPool(const MemoryPool& memoryPool) noexcept; MemoryPool(MemoryPool&& memoryPool)
noexcept; template MemoryPool(constMemoryPool& memoryPool) noexcept; ~MemoryPool()
noexcept; MemoryPool& operator=(const MemoryPool& memoryPool) = delete; MemoryPool&
operator=(MemoryPool&& memoryPool) noexcept; pointer address(reference x)constnoexcept;
const_pointer address(const_reference x)constnoexcept; // Can only allocate one object at a time. n and hint are ignored
pointer allocate(size_type n = 1, const_pointer hint = 0); voiddeallocate(pointer p, size_type n =
1); size_type max_size()constnoexcept; template void
construct(U* p, Args&&… args);template voiddestroy(U* p);template pointernewElement
(Args&&… args);voiddeleteElement(pointer p); private: structElement_ { Element_* pre; Element_* next; };
typedefchar* data_pointer; typedef Element_ element_type; typedef Element_* element_pointer; element_pointer data_element_; element_pointer free_element_;
std::recursive_mutex m_; size_type padPointer(data_pointer p, size_type align)constnoexcept
; voidallocateBlock(); static_assert(BlockSize >= 2 * sizeof(element_type),
“BlockSize too small.”); }; template
inlinetypename MemoryPool::size_type MemoryPool::padPointer(data_pointer p, size_type align)
constnoexcept { uintptr_t result = reinterpret_cast(p); return ((align – result) % align); }
template MemoryPool::MemoryPool()
noexcept { data_element_ = nullptr; free_element_ = nullptr; }
template MemoryPool::MemoryPool(
const MemoryPool& memoryPool) noexcept : MemoryPool() { } template
MemoryPool::MemoryPool(MemoryPool&& memoryPool)
noexcept { std::lock_guard lock(m_); data_element_ = memoryPool.data_element_; memoryPool.data_element_ =
nullptr; free_element_ = memoryPool.free_element_; memoryPool.free_element_ =
nullptr; } template template
MemoryPool::MemoryPool(const MemoryPool& memoryPool)
noexcept : MemoryPool() { } template
ZeroOnDeallocate> MemoryPool& MemoryPool::
operator=(MemoryPool&& memoryPool) noexcept { std::lock_guard lock(m_);
if (this != &memoryPool) { std::swap(data_element_, memoryPool.data_element_);
std::swap(free_element_, memoryPool.free_element_); } return *this; }
template MemoryPool::~MemoryPool()
noexcept { std::lock_guard lock(m_); element_pointer curr = data_element_;
while (curr != nullptr) { element_pointer prev = curr->next; operator
delete(reinterpret_cast(curr)); curr = prev; } curr = free_element_;
while (curr != nullptr) { element_pointer prev = curr->next; operator
delete(reinterpret_cast(curr)); curr = prev; } }
template inlinetypename MemoryPool::pointer MemoryPool::address(reference x)
constnoexcept { return &x; } template
ZeroOnDeallocate> inlinetypename MemoryPool::const_pointer MemoryPool::address(const_reference x)
constnoexcept { return &x; } template
ZeroOnDeallocate> void MemoryPool::allocateBlock() {
// Allocate space for the new block and store a pointer to the previous one data_pointer new_block =
reinterpret_cast (operatornew(BlockSize)); element_pointer new_ele_pointer =
reinterpret_cast(new_block); new_ele_pointer->pre = nullptr; new_ele_pointer->next =
nullptr; if (data_element_) { data_element_->pre = new_ele_pointer; } new_ele_pointer->next = data_element_; data_element_ = new_ele_pointer; }
template inlinetypename MemoryPool::pointer MemoryPool::allocate(size_type n, const_pointer hint) {
std::lock_guard lock(m_); if (free_element_ != nullptr) { data_pointer body =
reinterpret_cast(reinterpret_cast(free_element_) + sizeof(element_type)); size_type bodyPadding = padPointer(body,
alignof(element_type)); pointer result = reinterpret_cast(reinterpret_cast(body + bodyPadding)); element_pointer tmp = free_element_; free_element_ = free_element_->next;
if (free_element_) free_element_->pre = nullptr; tmp->next = data_element_;
if (data_element_) data_element_->pre = tmp; tmp->pre = nullptr; data_element_ = tmp;
return result; } else { allocateBlock(); data_pointer body =
reinterpret_cast(reinterpret_cast(data_element_) + sizeof(element_type)); size_type bodyPadding = padPointer(body,
alignof(element_type)); pointer result = reinterpret_cast(reinterpret_cast(body + bodyPadding));
return result; } } template
inlinevoid MemoryPool::deallocate(pointer p, size_type n) {
std::lock_guard lock(m_); if (p != nullptr) { element_pointer ele_p =
reinterpret_cast(reinterpret_cast(p) – sizeof(element_type));
if (ZeroOnDeallocate) { memset(reinterpret_cast(p), 0, BlockSize –
sizeof(element_type)); } if (ele_p->pre) { ele_p->pre->next = ele_p->next; }
if (ele_p->next) { ele_p->next->pre = ele_p->pre; }
if (ele_p->pre == nullptr) { data_element_ = ele_p->next; } ele_p->pre =
nullptr; if (free_element_) { ele_p->next = free_element_; free_element_->pre = ele_p; }
else { ele_p->next = nullptr; } free_element_ = ele_p; } }
template inlinetypename MemoryPool::size_type MemoryPool::max_size()
constnoexcept { size_type maxBlocks = -1 / BlockSize; return (BlockSize – sizeof
(data_pointer)) / sizeof(element_type) * maxBlocks; } template
bool ZeroOnDeallocate> template inlinevoidMemoryPool:
:construct(U* p, Args&&… args) { new (p) U(std::forward(args)…); }
template template inline
voidMemoryPool::destroy(U* p) { p->~U(); }
template template
inlinetypenameMemoryPool::pointer MemoryPool::newElement(Args&&… args) {
std::lock_guard lock(m_); pointer result = allocate(); construct(result,
std::forward(args)…); return result; } template
BlockSize, bool ZeroOnDeallocate> inlinevoid MemoryPool::deleteElement(pointer p) {
std::lock_guard lock(m_); if (p != nullptr) { p->~value_type(); deallocate(p); } } } }
#endif// PPX_BASE_MEMORY_POOL_H_使用示例:#include#includeusingnamespacestd; classApple
{public: Apple() { id_ = 0; cout << “Apple()” << endl; } Apple(int id) { id_ = id;
cout << “Apple(” << id_ << “)” << endl; } ~Apple() { cout << “~Apple()” << endl; }
voidSetId(int id){ id_ = id; } intGetId(){ return id_; } private: int
id_; }; voidThreadProc(ppx::base::MemoryPool *mp){ int i = 0; while (i++ < 100000) {
char* p0 = (char*)mp->allocate(); char* p1 = (char*)mp->allocate(); mp->deallocate(p0);
char* p2 = (char*)mp->allocate(); mp->deallocate(p1); mp->deallocate(p2); } }
intmain(){ ppx::base::MemoryPool mp; int i = 0; while (i++ < 100000) { char
* p0 = (char*)mp.allocate(); char* p1 = (char*)mp.allocate(); mp.deallocate(p0);
char* p2 = (char*)mp.allocate(); mp.deallocate(p1); mp.deallocate(p2); }
std::thread th0(ThreadProc, &mp); std::thread th1(ThreadProc, &mp); std::thread th2(ThreadProc, &mp)
; th0.join(); th1.join(); th2.join(); Apple *apple = nullptr; { ppx::base::MemoryPool mp2; apple = mp2.newElement(
10); int a = apple->GetId(); apple->SetId(10); a = apple->GetId(); mp2.deleteElement(apple); } apple->SetId(
12); int b = -4 % 4; int *a = nullptr; { ppx::base::MemoryPool mp3; a = mp3.allocate(); *a =
100; //mp3.deallocate(a);int *b = mp3.allocate(); *b = 200; //mp3.deallocate(b);
mp3.deallocate(a); mp3.deallocate(b); int *c = mp3.allocate(); *c =
300; } getchar(); return0; }
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