
Code Composer Studio(难以置信)code composer studio下载,Code Composer Studio安装与使用,开源平台,

1.Code Composer Studio

Code Composer Studio(CCS 是用于 TI DSP、微处理器和应用处理器的集成开发环境) Code Composer Studio 包含一整套用于开发和调试嵌入式应用的工具 它包含适用于每个 TI 器件系列的编译器、源码编辑器、项目构建环境、调试器、描述器、仿真器以及多种其它功能。

2.code composer studio安装教程

Code Composer Studio IDE 提供了单个用户界面,可帮助您完成应用开发流程的每个步骤借助于精密的高效工具,用户能够利用熟悉的工具和界面快速上手并将功能添加至他们的应用CCS下载与安装

3.code composer studio打开项目

最新版本的Code Composer Studio是21年10月13日发布的CCSTUDIO_11.0.0.00012,下载链接如下:CCSTUDIO_11.0.0.00012 |​

4.code composer studio3.3安装教程

但是与TDA4 RTOS SDK匹配使用的是CCS 9.3以上版本,因此本测试中使用CCS 10.4版本:CCS 10.4.0版本​

5.code composer studio怎么烧录程序

软件安装要求:内存不低于4GB,主频不低于2.0GHz如果是Linux系统,建议为Ubuntu 20.04 64bit/Ubuntu 18.04 64bit版本如果是Windows系统,建议为Windows 11/Windows 10 64bit/Windows 7 64bit版本

6.code composer studio怎么卸载


7.code composer studio v5 is not

在Linux系统中安装CCS,需要提前安装必要的功能包(参考TI官网资料)需要根据ubuntu版本与CCS版本进行功能包安装以Ubuntu 18.04 & CCS 10.4举例:Tested on 18.04 bionic (with canonical partners repository enabled)。

8.code composer studio中文

update system: sudo apt updateinstall dependent libraries: sudo apt install libc6:i386 libusb-0.1-4 libgconf-2-4 build-essential

9.code composer studio怎么运行

install CCSif CCS was installed as user then run the driver install scriptgo to /ccs/install_scripts

10.code composer studio安装包

sudo ./install_drivers.sh下载得到压缩文件CCS10.4.0.00006_linux-x64.tar.gz后,在Linux系统中进行解压缩:tar xzf CCS10.4.0.00006_linux-x64.tar.gz

进入文件夹CCS10.4.0.00006_linux-x64后,运行安装程序:For Linux users it is recommended to install as a normal user and not sudo/root.

cd CCS10.4.0.00006_linux-x64 ./ccs_setup_10.4.0.00006.bin安装过程中需要选择安装路径以及components选择,因为测试用例选用TI的TDA4芯片,所以选择“TDAx Driver Assistance SoCs & Jacinto DRAx Infotainment SoCs” 。


加载二进制文件Create a CCS target config, you can name it J721E_EVM.ccxml.In Code Composer Studio, go to the

File menu and select New -> Target Configuration FileName the Target Configuration file as J721E_EVM.ccxml

and click FinishSelect Connection as Texas Instruments XDS110 USB Debug ProbeSelect Connection as Spectrum Digital XDS560V2 STM USB Emulator

, if you are using Spectrum digital XDS560 USB debugger connected to JTAG Mipi connector (J16)Select the Board as

EVM_J721E shown below

CCS: Target Configuration2.Load the initialization script of the DMSC_Cortex_M3_0 core with the J7 Gels as shown below.

Open the Advanced tab of the target configuration file J721E_EVM.ccxmlGel files can be found at below path


CCS: Target Configuration Initialization Script3.GEL initializationlaunch.js文件中需要将loadSciserverFlag置0(文件67行):


Open the launch.js script in an editor. Script is present in below path:${PSDK_RTOS_PATH}/pdk_j721e_{version}/packages/ti/drv/sciclient/tools/ccsLoadDmsc/j721e/launch.js

${PSDK_RTOS_PATH} is the path to your PSDK RTOS installation, for example:/ti/ti-processor-sdk-rtos-j721e-evm-xx_xx_xx_xx

Edit the variable “pdkPath” with the absolute path of the pdk package, i.e ${PSDK_RTOS_PATH}/pdk_j721e_{version}/packages

Open Code Composer Studio and launch the Target Configuration previously setup

CCS: Launch CCS Target ConfigurationGo to View Target configurations and launch a target configuration is done by right clicking on it.

Open the scripting console in CCS – Go to the View menu and then select Scripting ConsoleLoad the launch.js script as shown below.

CCS: Launch scriptWait till the script finishes. This step can take considerable time as it configures PLL etc. in the SOC via GEL files and configures DDR. This will connect to the MCU_Cortex_R5_0 core.

CCS: Scripting Console Output

CCS: Console OutputAfter script completes execution you should see below in Debug windowCPU name 在PSDK和CCS里Mapping关系

4.Load and run the binaries in CCS. Debug as usual using CCS.Now you can connect to any core and load the corresponding application binaries.

CCS: Loading the demo application binaryGo to the Run menu and then select Load -> Select Program to Load

In the Load Program window, browse to application binary you want to load.Go to the Run menu and then select

Resume to start executing demo binary.

CCS的卸载进入软件安装目录/home/ti/ccs1040/ccs,运行uninstall_css.bin文件./uninstall_css.binCCS用户手册最后给大家提供Code Composer Studio的用户手册链接,供大家好好学习,天天向上。

Code Composer Studio User’s Guide因为CCS属于eclipse开发环境,所以也可以根据eclipse说明文档进行学习CCSv9.x.0 uses an unmodified Eclipse Version 4.8 and CDT 9.5.。

They are packaged together under “Eclipse IDE for C/C++ Developers” package available from

.XDS110调试更新XDS110固件库方法:1. Go to the directory where the utility is installed(“XDS110SupportReadMe.pdf”is helpful):

cd \ti\ccs1040\ccs\base\common\uscif\xds1102. Run the configuration just to make sure a XDS110-class debugger is connected (or to list how many are connected) and what is the firmware revision installed on it:

./xdsdfu -e3. Put the XDS110 in DFU mode:./xdsdfu -m4. Run the updater, passing the firmware file and resetting the debug probe afterwards:

./xdsdfu -f firmware_3.0.0.16.bin -r

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