

原标题:山姆会员店九年来首次提高会员年费;Tods 集团私有化计划获批


Projects New




01|DFS and Tencent smart retail partner for omnichannel transformation

DFS Group, the world’s leading luxury travel retailer, and Tencent Smart Retail have entered a comprehensive strategic agreement. The objective of this partnership is to accelerate DFS’ omnichannel transformation to better serve its customers and brand partners.

Since 2020, DFS China and Tencent Smart Retail have been working together to map DFS’ future e-commerce vision by assessing how its private domain can be enhanced to improve traffic, thereby promoting customer conversion and increasing brand awareness and sales.

02|CENTER PLAZA 11月重新改装开幕

自从1994年开幕以来,惠比寿花园广场已经从居民生活据点,跃身为东京时髦质感生活的代名词,这座充满欧风氛围的商业设施,不仅是日剧取景胜地,近年更成为海外游客欣赏冬季圣诞灯饰的人气景点。2022年11月8日惠比寿花园广场内的CENTER PLAZA重新整修开幕,提供更上一层的生活、工作以及娱乐的高品味体验。

02|CENTER PLAZA will to be renovated and open in November

Since its opening in 1994, Yebisu Garden Place has been from residents living space, jump as the modern symbol in Tokyo. The project is full of European atmosphere, is not only a Japanese drama shooting scenes and has become a popular attraction for overseas tourists to enjoy the winter Christmas lights in recent years.

On 8 November 2022, the CENTER PLAZA in Yebisu Garden Place will be renovated and open, which can provide a higher-level experience of living, working and playing area for consumers.

03|Erina Fair 购物中心迎来新组合租户

Erina Fair 购物中心在圣诞季到来之前,将迎来众多的新租户,包括澳大利亚国内和国际知名品牌。品牌们包括H&M、rebel、City Beach、EMF健身中心、JD Sports、Glue Store、Kidstuff、Peter Jackson和Dangerfield。

03|Erina Fair welcomes suite of new retailers

Erina Fair is set to welcome a number of new retailers to the shopping centre, including several national and international brands. The new stores will include H&M, rebel, City Beach, EMF Fitness Centre, JD Sports, Glue Store, Kidstuff, Peter Jackson and Dangerfield.


连接东京迪士尼乐园、东京迪士尼海洋的东京迪士尼度假区线,于2022年9月8日新装正式亮相,车厢将彩绘上无敌可爱的达菲熊与狐狸女孩Lina Bell图案。

04|Tokyo Disney Resort line gets a new look

The Tokyo Disney Resort Line, which connects Tokyo Disneyland and Tokyo Disneyland Ocean, debuted on 8 September 2022, with the adorable Daffy Bear and Lina Bell painted on the carriages.


Brands News


美国极限运动品牌DCSHOES日前以全新面貌回归中国市场,于北京三里屯开设全新门店。DCSHOES于1994年由Ken Block和Damon Way共同创立,凭借品牌浓厚的街头文化底蕴,以打破常规为核心理念,一直以来青年文化都是品牌发展历程中不可或缺的一部分。

01|DCSHOES comes back to the Chinese market

The US extreme sports brand DCSHOES has returned to the Chinese market with a new look, opening a brand new store in Sanlitun, Beijing. Founded in 1994 by Ken Block and Damon Way, DCSHOE has high reputation in youth culture with its strong street culture and core concept breaking the rules.



02|PRADA opened its first perfume store in Shanghai, China

PRADA opened its first perfume store in China in Shanghai. Meanwhile, the launching of new perfunme PARADOXE marks the first day of its strategic partnership with Tmall. They will create a premium shopping experience and new surprises for consumers.


法国奢侈品牌Balenciaga(巴黎世家)与转售技术服务商 Reflaunt 合作的二手服务正式上线。

巴黎世家表示,顾客能够将其拥有的品牌服装和配饰送至指定门店,或在官网预约取货,这些商品会被送到Reflaunt进行鉴定,拍照和定价。经鉴定和重新定价后的商品会在Tradesy、Vestiaire Collective、Rebelle 等25家二手奢侈品零售商进行销售。

03|Balenciaga launches official second-hand luxury business

French luxury brand Balenciaga has launched a second-hand service with resale technology service Reflaunt.

Balenciaga states customers will be able to take its branded clothing and accessories to selected stores or make an appointment to pick them up on its website, where they will be sent to Reflaunt for identification, photography and re-pricing. Authenticated and repriced items are sold at 25 used luxury retailers, including Tradesy, Vestiaire Collective, and Rebelle.




04|Sams Club raising annual membership fee for the first time in 9 years

Walmarts Sams Club stated it will raise its annual membership fee this fall from $45 to $50, and its higher-level “Plus” membership will cost $110, up from $100. This marks the first time in 9 years that the annual entry level membership fee has gone up. Sams Club hasnt raised prices for “Plus” members since its launch in 1999.

The CMO stated the move follows investment spending in recent years, from improving the quality of goods on the shelves to adding new and convenient ways to shop.


A-COLD-WALL* 上海首家精品店于日前在前滩太古里揭幕,这是品牌在国内开设的第二家线下实体店。该门店整体风格延续A-COLD-WALL* 极简主义,品牌标志伏特蓝色与白色组成上海店铺的主色调。

05|A-cold-wall * opens its second boutique in Shanghai, China

A-cold-wall * Shanghais first boutique was unveiled in Taikoo Li Qiantan, and then its second physical store also opened in Shanghai. The overall style of the store continues the A-cold-wall * minimalism. Volts blue and white are the main colors of the Shanghai store.

06|Lululemon 将推出全新健身平台 Lululemon Studio

瑜伽服品牌 Lululemon 宣布将于10月5日推出全新平台Lululemon Studio——致力于为其会员提供健身内容及产品。Lululemon Studio将通过应用程序、面对面体验和该品牌的Studio Mirror产品实现。除了推出新平台,Lululemon还将推出会员计划,以供访客解锁购物福利、社区体验和Lululemon Studio免费课程。

06|Lululemon to launch new fitness platform – Lululemon Studio

Yoga apparel brand Lululemon has announced that it will launch Lululemon Studio on 5 October, which is a platform dedicated to providing fitness ideas and products.

Lululemon Studio will be made possible through Apps, in-person experiences and the brands Studio Mirror product. In addition to launching the new platform, Lululemon will also launch a membership program for visitors with shopping benefits, community experiences, and Lululemon Studio free classes.



07|Kering Group will present all its brands at the CIIE for the fourth consecutive year

Open cloud group formally announced that this year will make its debut with the brand for the fourth consecutive year China International Import Expo, providing outstanding creativity, superb skills and innovative and fashion boutique for Chinese partners and customers.


Industrial New


近日,英国财政部长Kwasi Kwarteng宣布,英国将恢复针对海外游客的免税购物政策,以提振陷入低迷的零售业。


01|Britain is to bring back duty-free shopping for overseas visitors

The UK is to bring back duty-free shopping for overseas visitors to boost the flagging retail industry, Treasury Secretary Kwasi Kwarteng has announced.

He said the UK receivesmillions of visitors every year. International visitor sales generated £28.4 billion for the UK economy in 2019, with shopping being the single biggest element of this spending. He want their high streets, airports, ports and shopping centres to benefit. Therefore, they decided to implement the VAT free shopping policy for overseas tourists.



02|Adidas is expected to report a 25% drop in revenue in China in Q3

Analysts at Royal Bank of Canada said in their latest report showed that while Adidas is expected to post 8% revenue growth and an operating margin of 10.8% in Q3 on the back of strong demand in Europe and the US, it is still struggling in China, where it is expected to see a 25% drop.



03|Domestic consumers are cashing out of Rolex and Birkin bags

Faced with an uncertain global environment, Chinese consumers are selling high-value luxury goods such as Rolex watches and Hermes Birkin bags to raise cash, Reuters reported.

Resale prices have also fallen because of a surge in second-hand luxury goods. According to a Shanghai-based second-hand luxury goods platform, the number of sellers has surged 40% y-o-y in 2022, and it expects to sell 5 million luxury items this year.


旗下拥有The North Face、Vans和Supreme等品牌的VF集团宣布将下调本财年的预期,并公布了未来5年的战略。据悉,该集团预计 2023财年的销售额将增长5%至6%,而此前在7月底发布第一季度业绩时给出的指导是至少增长7%。同时,VF集团还公布最新的5年增长计划,预计到2027年,集团目标是实现年营收增长率在中高个位数区间。

04|Supremes parent company cut its fiscal year forecast

The VF Group, which owns The North Face, Vans and Supreme brands, announced it was cutting its outlook for the current fiscal year and unveiled its strategy for the next 5 years.

The group is reported to expect sales growth of between 5% and 6% in the 2023 financial year, compared with guidance of at least 7% given when it released its Q1 results at the end of July. At the same time, VF Group also announced the latest five-year growth plan, which expects the group to achieve annual revenue growth in the mid to high single digit range by 2027.



05|Snap says AR is key to attracting online luxury buyers

According to the head of Snaps global luxury business, 250 million users experience AR on the platform every day, not just trying on clothes but also jewelry and makeup. Snap may eventually consider using Metaverse to sell its products and charge merchants start-up fees and small transaction fees for using the technology, its CEO said recently.


Investment and Financing


意大利市场监管机构Consob日前已批准了意大利奢侈品集团 Tod’s创始家族和最大股东Della Valle家族提出的以40欧元每股的要约价对Tod’s的收购计划。收购完成后,在米兰上市的Tod’s集团将私有化退市,Della Valle家族将持有集团90%的股份,LVMH集团将继续持有余下的10%股份。

01|Tods Group privatization plan approved

Consob, Italys market regulator, has approved a proposed takeover of Tods by the Della Valle family, the founding family and largest shareholder of the Italian luxury goods group Tods, at €40 a share. Tods, which is listed in Milan, will be privatized and delisted. The Della Valle family will own 90% of the group, while LVMH will continue to own the remaining 10%.


9月22日,新加坡政府投资公司(GIC)和地中海豪华海滩度假村集团Sani/Ikos Group(SIG)宣布签订新的战略合作协议。根据该合作协议内容,GIC将成为SIG集团的主要股东,该交易对SIG的估值为23亿欧元(约160亿人民币),交易经监管部门批准后,预计将于2022年第四季度完成,但目前双方未透露每股交易价格。此举预示着全球旅游业回暖迹象逐渐显露。

02|GIC acquires luxury resort

Government of Singapore Investment Corp (GIC) and Mediterranean luxury beach resort Group Sani/Ikos Group (SIG) announced the signing of a new strategic cooperation agreement on 22 September. GIC will become a major shareholder in SIG Group under the deal, which values SIG at €2.3 billion (16 billion yuan) and is expected to close in Q4 of 2022, subject to regulatory approval.

The price per share was not disclosed. The move signals signs of a rebound in global tourism.


日本美妆巨头资生堂日前宣布收购微生物护肤品牌Gallinee,以巩固集团在欧洲护肤品市场的地位,具体交易金额暂未披露。Gallinée总部位于伦敦,由法国药剂师Marie Drago于2016年创立,主打含有益生元、益生菌和乳酸的护肤产品,主要在法国和英国销售。

03|Shiseido acquires microbiological skincare brand Gallinee

Japanese beauty giant Shiseido has announced the acquisition of microbiological skincare brand Gallinee for an undisclosed sum to strengthen its position in the European skincare market. London-based Gallinee, founded in 2016 by French pharmacist Marie Drago, specialises in skincare products containing prebiotics and lactic acid and is sold mainly in France and the UK.



东方福来德改造 | 燕子矶新城 |荣盛国际广场| 金象城正式开业 | Vanli江山中心 | 南京商茂世纪广场 | 2022标杆办公评选 | 福润广场破产拍卖 |9月南京待开业商场| 南京垂直森林 | 荟佰通·曼度芳华| 和昌红山奥莱


9月行情 |8月行情| 7月行情|6月行情| 4月行情 |3月行情| 南京写字楼现状|2021上半年度南京商业地产市场回顾及展望


徐州招商花园城| 2022下半年待开业商业体 | 雨花客厅E-PARK|吾悦广场徐州区域| 南京虹悦城 | 2021购物中心百花奖| 南京各大重点商场2021年销售业绩


专访智儒朱逸| 专访银城商管谭宁 |专访元成文商潘韬|专访艾尚周丽专访观海王恒刚对话凯德罗臻毓对话蔡云专访mall姐吴正梅专访21世纪张轩专访边城张超| 专访稳石胡之薰返回搜狐,查看更多


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