

Liaoning is a coastal province in Northeast China, This topic mostly aims at foreigners experiences, feelings and impressive stories of Liaonings natural culture, historical culture, food culture, intangible cultural heritage, beautiful scenery, and so on.



Is the festival that celebrates the beginning of the New year on the traditional lunisolar and Chinese calendar.


Above are some foreigners happily celebrating a year of ox and tiger in Liaoning province, year of ox is said to bring stability and calmness. It is predicted to be a year of great opportunities and economic prosperity. They were doing the art of paper cutting to make different shapes.


Making the cuttings together with family or friends is a popular way of celebrating lunar new year and welcoming spring, the beautiful paper pattern cuttings are the symbol of fortune and auspiciousness.foreigners also celebrated it by singing, playing some friendly games, exchanging some gifts and setting off firecrackers. It was really amazing.


The history of the Chinese New Year festival can be traced back to about 3,500 years ago. Chinese New Year has evolved over a long period of time and its customs have undergone a long developmental process. Apart from worshiping gods and ancestors, people began to entertain themselves. The customs of a family getting together to clean their house, having a dinner, and staying up late on New Year’s Eve originated among common people.


Though it is in winter, the Chinese New Year is popularly known as the Spring Festival in China. Because it starts from the Beginning of Spring (the first of the twenty-four terms in coordination with the changes of Nature), it marks the end of winter and the beginning of spring.The Spring Festival marks a new year on the lunar calendar and represents the desire for a new life.



A foreign girl was really happy experiencing tiger year celebration. Amazed, she was born in a year of tiger too(1998), tiger people are daring fighters and she believes they are capable of standing up for the better end for what they think is right. She looks lovely with a tiger sticker on her cheek and her hair decor is flawless, what a beautiful memory to keep.


New clothes are added to the festivity, you can buy yourself new clothes but often, they will be given as gifts from the family because it’s a sign of a fresh start, it’s best to wear your new attire on New Year’s day but during Chinese New Year, people can finally splurge and treat themselves.


The tiger known as a king in all beast ,its a symbol of strength and braveness. kids who are born in this year wear hats or shoes for good luck.



In the pictures below foreigners were trying to make some traditional food

( yuanxiao and Tangyuan) these foods are common during lantern festival, its a glutinous rice ball typically filled with sweet red bean paste, sesame paste, or peanut butter and round in shape. It is a must-eat food at the Chinese Lantern Festival due to its auspicious meaning in every aspect from its round shape to its sweet taste and fine-sounding pronunciation.Its sweet taste symbolizes a sweet and happy life.


Tangyuan sounds similar to tuanyuan which means reunion It therefore symbolizes family reunion, harmony and happiness.

汤圆听起来与团圆相似,意思是 “团圆”,因此它象征着家庭团圆、和谐和幸福。

Lantern Festival is a Chinese traditional festival celebrated on the fifteenth day of the first month in the lunisolar Chinese calendar, during the full moon. Usually falling in February or early March on the Gregorian calendar, it marks the final day of the traditional Chinese New Year celebrations. it had become a festival with great significance.


Last Lantern Festival, foreigners made some sweet dumplings and went out at night carrying paper lanterns and solving riddles on the lanterns as how liaoning people always do during lantern festival. In ancient times, the lanterns were fairly simple and only the emperor and noblemen had large ornate ones.In modern times, lanterns have been embellished with many complex designs. For example, lanterns are now often made in the shape of animals. The lanterns can symbolize the people letting go of their past selves and getting new ones which they will let go of the next year. The lanterns are almost always red to symbolize good fortune.



Foreign students were preparing the most famous food during mid-autumn festival, moon cakes are type of snack or dessert pastry with a sweet or savory filling. They are primarily round, to reflect the shape of the moon but can also be square-shaped. Traditional Chinese mooncakes, specifically Cantonese-style mooncakes, are baked, golden-brown and molded or stamped on top with the name of the filling.


Mid-autumn festival also known as moon cake festival, it falls on the 15th day of the eighth lunar month. It’s called the Mid-autumn Festival because the 15th day is the middle of the month, and the eighth lunar month is in the middle of autumn.


Liaoning people celebrate it by gathering for dinners, worshipping , lighting the paper lanterns,eating moon cakes etc full moon is the symbol of family reunions. Hence the moon on the night of the mid-autumn festival is believed to be the brightest and the most beautiful




Dumplings are the most delicious food made by a piece of dough ( from variety of starch sources) often wrapped and filled with meat, fish or vegetables, it can be boiled or steamed.


As you can see, students were learning how to make beef dumplings of different colours step by step. You can tell they are doing their best in making them.


Dumplings have great taste and are a healthy food. It has been a tradition for centuries that is still implemented in the present. In Chinese, dumplings symbolize togetherness and completeness like so much in Chinese culture and cooking it also has a symbolic meaning.



Hotpot is the common dish in Liaoning, is a cooking method that originated in China. A heat source on the dining table keeps a pot of soup stock simmering and a variety of Chinese foodstuffs and ingredients are served beside the pot for the diners to put into the hot stock.


Foreign students like to eat their hotpot with noodles, mushrooms, white rice, vegetables and seafood like Shellfish, shrimp, scallops, lobster, crabs, oysters, clams, mussels, abalone during winter because it keeps the body warm. Meanwhile, instant-boiled mutton is regarded as good nourishment for the organs, such as the heart, lungs, and stomach, thus becoming an essential dietary custom in winter.


If youre looking for a fun dining experience with friends, try hotpot! This style of communal cooking in a single pot gives you control over making the meal at the table. Decide with your friends or family what youd like to order. Once the food arrives at your table, you need to know what order to add the food, so it cooks perfectly. Part of eating hotpot is taking the time to relax and enjoy the company of friends. It’s very spicy, hot, and has great taste. You have to try it.



Some foreigners were welcomed to have different traditional dishes in Northern china(liaoning), most shocking food was the pork skin dish, it looks like jellyfish, it is served in small pieces as a snack or side dish.


It was their first time using long chopsticks, it was a bit difficult because they got used to using spoons and forks but still they managed to use them.



Students were arranging flowers in vases with help from Florists. The experience was different because in china especially liaoning, has unique arrangements of flowers in the entire world, as you can see in those pictures . Each flower in a vase has different angles and lengths . It was very beautiful memory


Chinese bouquet influenced is by the philosophy of “harmony between man and nature”, Chinese flower arrangement advocates for nature to represent life,it emphasizes composition to display vividness and focuses on connotation to exhibit artistic concepts.

中国的花束受 “人与自然和谐相处 “的理念影响,中国的插花主张以自然来表现生活,强调结构来表现生动,注重内涵来表现艺术理念。

Liaoning’s culture has always placed great importance in flowers, which feature heavily in their proverbs, poetry, art and literature



Those are some opera wu sheng costumes worn by foreigners. They applied little rouge and powder to their faces as simple makeup to refer handsome rule. They also add some accessories to their clothes like headwear, footwear, jewellery, yupei as it shown in the pictures above‘wu sheng’ is the male warrior or martial arts exponent in a Chinese opera. The elaborate dragon motifs on the costume suggest that the character is a high-ranking general.And sheng is a role type in Chinese opera for dignified and respectable male characters. They may be portrayed by either male actors or actresses.

这些是外国人穿的一些戏曲武生服装。他们在脸上涂抹少量的胭脂和粉,作为简单的妆容,以显示出帅气。 他们还在衣服上添加一些配件,如头饰、鞋类、珠宝、玉佩等,如上图所示。 武生 “是中国戏曲中的男性战士或武术表演者。服装上精心设计的龙形图案表明该人物是一位高级将领。而武生是中国戏曲中的一种角色类型,是有身份的、受人尊敬的男性角色。他们可以由男演员或女演员来扮演。

Peking Opera is an extraordinary cultural symbol of China(liaoning) , full of energy, skill, and musical traditions, the costumes give the audience a sense of luxury and beauty. They not only show the distinctive characteristics of each actor in the drama, but also enhance the artistic visual effect enjoyed by the audience. But the key to appreciating and understanding Peking Opera as it depicts scene after scene of ancient stories from noble and brave characters.


Liaoning tea culture experience

Those are foreigners making Chinese tea. In Liaoning, tea is a beverage that has long been taken to symbolize a key aspect of Chinese tradition and history.Tea that foreigners were making has some few procedures that they followed.


they have to prepare tea sets, rush all teasets with boiling water and dry the teapot and aims to raise the temperature of tea sets and ensure a relatively stable temperature of the tea soup. Meanwhile, clean effect is also achieved.


Put tea leaves(spices) into the tea pot,the number of tea leaves varies with different tea types and personal preference( If you like strong tea, put more, if you prefer light tea, put less)


Wash the tea leaves, Pour hot water into the tea pot, stay for a few seconds and then abandon the soup. However, some tea has been washed clean during the processing and there is no need to follow this step.


Pour in hot water. It is usually advisable to pour into water occupying 4/5 of the tea pot, leaving some space for tea leaves to spread. The brewing time is generally about 5 minutes. The longer time you brew tea leaves, the stronger taste you will have.


Pour tea soup into fair cup The tea should be poured into the warm fair cup first, shake it evenly and then pour into the guests cups. By this way, the tea tastes the same either by early served or late served guests. This is also the name origin of the fair cup.


When serving tea,they send the tea cup on the tea tray to the guest and place it in front of the right hand of your were instructed


after tea is served you should first observe the shape and the colour of the tea. Then smell its fragrance holding the tea cup. Later, you can taste it. In the picture you can see they were enjoying tea smell


Drinking tea on a daily basis can help give your body additional protection from cavities, gum disease, and bacteria that causes bad breath and It is believed that a tea-drinking process is a spiritual enjoyment, an art, a means of cultivating the moral character, and nourishing the mind.



Liaoning has a temperate continental climate with distinct four seasons, spring lasts from March to May, summer is from June to August, from September to October is autumn, and from November to February next year is winter. January and February are the best two months to view the landscape of ice and snow, and experience the festivals in Liaoning. In April, Liaoning is decorated by pink apricot blossom and peach blossom, and July and August are the best two months to visit seaside in Liaoning.

辽宁属于温带大陆性气候,四季分明,春天从三月到五月,夏天从六月到八月,九月到十月是秋天,十一月到明年二月是冬天。 一月和二月是观赏冰雪景观和体验辽宁节庆的最佳月份。四月,辽宁被粉红色的杏花和桃花装扮,七月和八月是辽宁最好的两个月,可以去海边。

Summer is the warmest season of the year in Liaoning falling between spring and autumn. And it receives the most sunlight at that season, the day is longer that night. Its a hard season for some foreigners due to the higher temperature compare to their countries, but also its beautiful, people have small fun-activities at night when it’s cooler like taking small walks and enjoying fresh air. Foreigners eat more fruits during summer.


Autumn is a season of the year between summer and winter during which temperatures gradually decrease. leaves fall from the trees at that time.autumn is very beautiful, leaves change from green to an incredible display of vibrant colors,a lot of foreigners love to take pictures during autumn.


Winter is the coldest season with lots of rain and starts from November to February, with the shortest days and longest night. it brings freezing temperatures, snow, and ice with it, during winter, The sun doesn’t shine as warmly, also Trees and plants usually go dormant (like they’re sleeping) or else die so when you look outside, you’ll see more brown . So during this season people cover their body with heavy clothes, especially foreigners because some of them are not used to winter. Also its a beautiful season when its snowing, foreigners go out to play with snow and make snowman.

冬天是最冷的季节,经常有雨雪。它从11月开始到2月,有最短的白天和最长的夜晚。它带来了低温、雪和冰,在冬天,太阳没有那么温暖,树木和植物通常进入休眠期(就像它们在睡觉),否则就会死亡,所以当你看外面时,你会看到更多棕色。所以在这个季节,人们用厚厚的衣服遮住身体,特别是外国人,因为他们中的一些人不习惯冬天。下雪的时候也是一个美丽的季节,外国人会出去玩雪,堆雪人。· LIAONINGis the best place for foreigners to work, study, reside or visit. it has alot of natural attractions . Their people are lovely and peaceful, they have wonderful and beautiful cultures as well, most of the foreigners that stayed in Liaoning had nice experiences and alot of wonderful moments. liaoning’s infrastructures, Transport system, and lifeliving standard are very okay, not mentioning their food, dressing style, language and weather.Liaoning is very attractive.



作者:Zulpher Ahmad(坦桑尼亚)


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